
Shelter Cubed

US Solar Decathlon 2015: Drury/Crowder

In the Winter of 2013 I attended a design charrette for my university’s entry into the 2015 Solar Decathlon, it ended up being a 2 year long project during which started with my involvement as Interior Design Team Leader and ended with me traveling to the competition in Irvine, CA for two weeks as a member of our tour guide team. A solar powered tornado resistant home sounds impossible but between two universities and a team of around fifty students we made it possible. 


In the Winter of 2013 I attended a design charrette for my university’s entry into the 2015 Solar Decathlon, it ended up being an almost 2 year long project which started with my involvement as Interior Design Team Leader and ended with me traveling to the competition in Irvine, CA for two weeks as a member of our tour guide team. A solar powered tornado resistant home sounds impossible but between two universities and a team of around fifty students we made it possible. 
